Nels Lindberg has announced his candidacy for City Council for the First Ward of Great Bend. Nels and his wife, Karen, have lived in Great Bend since 2001, outside of a two year stint in Dodge City. Upon returning to Great Bend, in 2005, he purchased Animal Medical Center. He is the senior partner in Animal Medical Center, a regional mixed animal practice, as well as owner of Progressive Beef Consulting and Research, a diagnostic laboratory and also a research company performing contract research for clients, universities, and pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Nels is a member of the Kansas Veterinary Medical Association serving of the Legislative Committee, American Veterinary Medical Association, American Association of Bovine Practitioners serving on the Beef Production Management Committee, Academy of Veterinary Consultants, American Association of Equine Practitioners, Kansas Livestock Association, and National Cattleman’s Beef Association. He also serves on Bayer Corporation’s Veterinary Advisory Board. He has been involved in the Boy Scouts of American, is an Eagle Scout, and chaired the Friends of Scouting Campaign. He is also an active member of First Christian Church where he has served as both Deacon and Elder. He has chosen to run for city council as a way to give back to Great Bend, do his civic duty, and positively impact the future of Great Bend and surrounding area.
In a roundabout way, Dr. Nels has come home, as his father was born here in 1945. With history in mind, and looking to the future, he wants to work for the long term sustainability and growth of Great Bend by ensuring fiscal strength, a quality fundamentality sound infrastructure, making for an attractive regional community that is appealing for any and all people or businesses to remain here or come here.
Fiscal Strength - He believes in making fiscally sound decisions with other people’s money, and using it to the best of our abilities for continued growth. Our goal is to always keep property taxes low and maintain a competitive mill levy. All while maintaining our current very high bond rating.
Infrastructure - We need to maintain and build modern infrastructures for the long term sustainability of our great City! The City of Great Bend is only as strong as the weakest part of our foundation. We must continue the vital work necessary to have a high quality functioning infrastructure, yet do so in a fiscally responsible manner.
Growth - He views the city as a business, and the citizens and businesses are the customer. The customer has choices, and can choose to do business here, i.e. live here or “set up shop” here. As a city, we must do the appropriate things and take the necessary steps in order to provide a fantastic and phenomenal customer service and experience. That begins with all city services we provide, from parks and recreation, to fire, police, and utilities. We also must have a business and entrepreneurial friendly environment so that all other services and amenities can be provided as possible, so we can all enjoy various entertainment, sporting, or shopping options and activities.
Future - Growth is an economic necessity for the long term success and sustainability of Great Bend. The children are the future of this great city, and we need them to ensure survivability. We need to do the things necessary now, so that these great children and youth, when given the choice to live here or “set up shop” here, will make the choice to continue the successes and achievement of this city and its people.
Focusing on these four main principles, as well as interaction, collaboration, and cooperation with integrity and compassion, we can continue to grow and prosper, for the future and beyond.
Nels Lindberg announces candidacy for City Council