The brand new main entrance and its adjacent parking lot are now open on the south side of St. Rose Health Center.
The new layout allows for convenient entry to the parking lot from either Broadway or Forest, St. Rose Site Manager Zena Jacobs said.
“Our state-of-the-art facility is designed for convenient access to the main door, as well as to our many services,” Jacobs said. “Patients who are dropped off at the entrance will be protected from the north wind and have easy access to everything once they step inside.
“When you enter,” Jacobs continued, “you are just a few steps from the registration desks and the elevator. We think everyone will be impressed with the new layout at St. Rose.”
The west door will be closed to the public. However, employees and service personnel will continue to use it.
The new parking lot has 60 stalls, in addition to five handicapped-accessible spaces.
“This is more than double the size of the parking lot on the west side of the building,” Jacobs commented. “Our community has been extremely patient during the construction project. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate this loyalty to St. Rose.
“We believe patients and families will be comfortable in these new surroundings,” she added. “This pleasant atmosphere is just the fringe benefit to the quality health care central Kansans deserve.”
St. Rose specializes in primary care, prevention and wellness. Services include St. Rose Family Medicine, Convenient Care Walk-in Clinic, Great Bend Internists, imaging, infusion clinic, WellnessWorks, one-day surgical procedures, Golden Belt Home Health & Hospice and a comprehensive Specialty Clinic. St. Rose is co-owned by Hays Medical Center and Centura Health.