Ellinwood Grade School, Central Plains Grade School-Holyrood, and several Great Bend schools have been notified that they are recipients of Certificates of Merit as a part of the 11th annual Challenge Awards from the Confidence in Kansas Public Education Task Force. This award recognizes schools for outstanding achievement and uncommon accomplishment based on 2013 Kansas Assessment results and other qualifying factors, such as sample size and socioeconomic status.
In Great Bend, Eisenhower School received a Certificate of Merit for 6th grade reading, Great Bend Middle School for eighth grade math, and Jefferson School for 6th grade math.
CPES received Certificates of Merit for 4th grade math and reading. “It’s a whole school effort,” said Superintendent of USD 112 Jim Runge. “We’re very proud of all of our schools.”
Ellinwood Grade School received a Certificate of Merit for 4th grade math. “We’re very, very proud,” said EGS Principal Eric Sjogren. “We have good staff members.”
To be considered for this award, a school must meet a minimum sample size of 30 students tested. Based on a statistical model that includes test results and the percent of the sample that received free or reduced-price lunch, 60 state schools were identified as high-performing for each of the 14 state assessments given. Of those 60 schools, the top score within each of the 10 state board regions was selected for a Certificate of Merit. New this year, separate calculations were conducted for schools that tested 60 or fewer students over a three year period and met all of the above stated criteria. The top two schools were selected from each category. In all, 102 schools representing 66 school districts were awarded a total of 155 certificates.
Recipients will be recognized at a dinner on Nov. 13.
Area schools receive Challenge Award