Walking Tacos fundraiser to be held
ELLINWOOD — Ellinwood After Prom will serve Walking tacos at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 27 for a free will donation. Serving begins at 6:30 p.m. before the Ellinwood-Hoisington football game.
Hoisington Food Bank open on Monday
HOISINGTON — The Hoisington Food Bank will be open from 4-6 p.m. on Sept. 23 at the First United Methodist Church, 467 W. 3rd.
Hoisington Boy Scout Troop to have sign up
HOISINGTON — Hoisington Boy Scout Troop 7130 will have a sign up evening at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 23 at the First United Methodist Church, 467 W. 3rd.
Boys interested in scouting and their parents are invited to learn more about Scouts and the positive benefits and life long skills learned by being a part of this program.
Call Randy Strickland 620-282-0841 for more information.
New TOPS Support Group forming
HOISINGTON — A new Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight loss group is forming in Hoisington.
For more information, call 316-755-1055 or email bednasek@networksplus.net.
Barton Briefs