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City passes proposed 2011 budget
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CLAFLIN — The governing body of the City of Claflin met in regular session, Aug. 9 at the city building. Present were: Mayor Curtis Nelson, Councilpersons Kirk Schneweis, Dan Michaelis, Leon Oberle and Angie Bailey. Also present: City Attorney Bob Suelter, City Clerk Patricia Schmidt, Robert Gunder, Richard Hayes, Mel Waite and Curtis Kaiser.

The public hearing for the 2011 budget opened at 7:30 p.m. The mill levy for the 2011 budget increased slightly from 2010 due to the city’s lower valuation. Bailey moved to close the budget hearing, Michaelis seconded with all in favor.

After discussion, Schneweis moved to pay August 2010 bills. Bailey seconded with all in favor.

Weather permitting, the county will seal Albro, Park and 4th Streets on Aug. 13.

The pool attendance is up and has done very well this summer with very few problems.

Michaelis move to adopt the 2011 Budget. Oberle seconded with all in favor. Michaelis moved to adopt Ord #08092010, which attests to an increase in tax revenues for budget year 2011. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.

The contract with Kaiser Trash Service has expired. Kaiser would like to have another three year contract with a 7% increase. It was placed on the September agenda.

Darin Martin has accepted the position of public works maintenance person, with a starting wage of $14 an hour. There is the possibility of a raise, after a six month evaluation.

Bailey moved to authorize Police Chief Gunder to purchase an extended cab pickup, for the police department, on the government GSA Auto Choice program. Michaelis seconded with all in favor. After receiving the new pickup, the old pickup will be sold.

Verizon Wireless is considering a new cell site east of Claflin. They are interested in the one mile zoning codes. Suelter will check into the regulations etc. for the September meeting.

Double ground cedar mulch is about $20.50 a yard, delivered. The park playground area will need about 134 yards of mulch for a cost of about $2,870. Michaelis moved to purchase the mulch and pay for it out of the Capitol Improvement Fund. Bailey seconded with all in favor.