CLAFLIN — The governing body of the City of Claflin met in regular session, Tuesday, Oct. 15 at the city building. Present were Mayor Michael Urban, Councilpersons Kirk Schneweis, Casey Hubbard and Doug Hubbard. Also present: City Attorney Robert Suelter, City Clerk Patricia Schmidt, Richard Hayes and Gary Vaughan. These are the unofficial minutes.
D. Hubbard moved, C. Hubbard seconded, with all in favor, to approve the minutes of the Sept. 9, 2013 council meeting. C. Hubbard moved to approve the agenda. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
The department heads gave reports. The meter replacements are finished. The old Community Center is in the process of being torn down. Inspection has been done at the water wells and everything is in good order.
Concerning the property at 101 C St., no action taken.
A public nuisance complaint will be issued to the owner of the property at 411 2nd Street. The house can be demolished.
The D Street water drainage issue was tabled to the November council meeting.
C. Hubbard moved to adopt ord 13-1015A, which vacates the North 10 feet of Albro from the West line of 2nd Street West to the East line of the alleyway in block 4 of the Bloomer addition. D Hubbard seconded with all in favor.
The flooding issue on K-4 was discussion and tabled to the November council meeting.
Proposals for development of the property on 3rd and Albro will be taken.
D. Hubbard moved to purchase a 2-way hydrant and a 3-way hydrant. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
D. Hubbard moved to adopt Ord. 13-1015B, which adopts the “Standard Traffic Ordinance” 2013 edition. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
C. Hubbard moved to adopt Ord 13-1015C, which adopts the “uniform Public Offense Code” 2013 edition. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
C. Hubbard moved to adopt Resolution 13-1014, which sets the public hearing for adoption of a neighborhood revitalization plan for the city. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
After discussion, C. Hubbard moved to give a 4 percent pay increase to Robert Gunder, Richard Hayes and Patricia Schmidt. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
Schneweis moved to place employee pay on December agendas from now on with any pay changes to take effect in January. C. Hubbard seconded with all in favor.
The dilapidated property at 215 4th is on the December court docket. Hayes was instructed by council to obtain a demo bid for the property.
Debit accounts for water bills, after discussion, was placed on the November agenda.
This summary of the minutes is subject for approval at the next council meeting.
Claflin City Council meets