HOISINGTON – Clara Barton Hospital Foundation ended 2011 with a successful membership drive. Every fall the Foundation’s executive director, board of trustees and membership drive volunteers work to secure annual membership contributions in support of the Hospital for capital improvements.
Overall the success of this year’s membership drive amounted to a 25% percent increase in total members since the 2010 drive. This year, the proceeds from the annual membership campaign helped to expand the Hospital’s Respiratory Department. A pulmonary function testing unit has been purchased and testing will be available later this spring. This new equipment will offer Clara Barton patients the latest technology to provide testing for the diagnosis of lung disorders.
Clara Barton Foundation is grateful to each and every contributor. With the support of members the Foundation is able to contribute to Clara Barton Hospital’s ability to pursue clinical excellence. "Behind the membership donations are very caring and thoughtful people who are tangibly showing their care and concern for local health care and we are very thankful for that," explains Michelle Moshier, executive director.
This year, participation from businesses in and out of Barton County accounted for about 1/3 of the fundraising goal. They are very thankful to have the renewed support of our annual business supporters in addition to receiving new support from thirteen new businesses, said Moshier. As a way to publicly acknowledge their support, the Foundation provided a "Proud Member of Clara Barton Foundation" window cling to each business that supported the drive. Please look for the "cling" in supporting business windows, said Moshier.
The "cling" symbolizes friendship and community partnership for local health care. The Foundation is also very grateful to all the individuals and families that supported this year’s drive as well. "The Foundation’s strength is directly related to those who support us," Moshier said. Clara Barton Hospital Foundation members are making a positive impact in the delivery of health care for their neighbors, friends and family, said Moshier.