ELLINWOOD — Craig Plotner, a guitarist, will perform at Sts. Peter and Paul Church at 2 p.m. On Oct. 20.
Sts. Peter and Paul Church is located five miles north of Ellinwood. Call 620-566-7310 for more information.
The Lucas resident just finished traveling across the U.S. sharing his music with churches in several states along the way. Beginning with a ‘kick-off’ praise concert at his home church, Lucas United Methodist, in early August, he, along with his wife, made stops in Denver then on to Arizona and San Diego.
Plotner came home with a completed ‘live-master’ of the Phoenix praise concert at Mountain View Christian Church, which will is being turned into CDs for purchase. In addition, that concert will eventually be available as a DVD.
Craig and his wife, Sandi, moved to Lucas some six years ago from Phoenix, Ariz. to be closer to children and grandchildren, and also to live a more sedate lifestyle. They purchased a home on five acres a few miles outside of Lucas and added goats, llamas, an alpaca and a few barn kitties to keep them busy.
Now, these years later, the dairy goat herd has been dispersed due to arthritis in Sandi’s hands, that makes it a challenge to milk. Unbeknownst to Craig, Sandi had long believed that God had wanted Craig to use his music and love for the Lord in a music ministry. She figured it was God’s job to ‘call’ him to it, not hers. With that in mind, she just committed it to prayer. Sandi, on the other hand, had no idea that Craig was hearing that call, but tried to ignore it.
“We have a whole barnyard to care for. How would we go on the road,” was Craig’s point of view.
It was only after the goats were sold that Craig admitted he needed to honor the call that had already been in Sandi’s heart. With that, Sandi sat down at the computer, created a brochure, started connecting with people who knew people.
Craig had spent so many years as a solo musician in the secular world, singing at coffee houses, private parties and, working as a high school vocal music teacher, that putting his music in a church concert format was a new experience.
The tour name comes from a couple different elements. First of all, Craig uses only his guitar and voice. Secondly, he wants everyone to know that this it is about praising the Lord. All who attend are invited to sing along on many of the songs.
Craig Plotner to perform at Sts. Peter and Paul