Catherine Johnson, no proof of insurance, dismissed - proof shown
Jose Gonzalez, no insurance, dismissed - proof shown
Yahya Jama, speeding 58/40, fine $78, court costs $55.50
Lacey Warden, expired drivers license, failed to appear
Seth Schartz, speeding 44/30, continued to Sept. 24
Joshua Winslow, driving while suspended
Tyler Reed, criminal deprivation of property, fine $300, court costs $55.50
Derek Petz, junk vehicles, continued to Sept. 24
Rodney Miller Jr., dog at large
Jeremiah McKenzie, criminal damage to property, failed to appear
Travis Watts, illegally registered vehicle, continued to Oct. 8
Demetrius Johnson Jr., pitbull dogs x 2, continued to Oct. 8
Alicia Hoeffner, dog at large, fine $50, court costs $55.50
Christopher Whiting, driving while suspended, fine $750, court costs $55.50
Catherine Johnson, defective head lamp, fine $30
Catherine Johnson, expired tag, fine $30
Catherine Johnson, driving while suspended, fine $500, court costs $55.50
Ellinwood Municipal Court