Ellinwood Municipal Court Docket - Jan. 22
Corey Detter, driving while suspended, fine $250, court costs $55.50
Chance Baker, violation of restrictions, fine $25, court costs $55.50
Kristopher Kowalsky, expired drivers license, dismissed
Kristopher Kowalsky, no head lights, fine $30, court costs $55.50
Michael Oberle, no proof of insurance, dismissed - proof shown
Collin Wright, speeding 52/35, fine $72, court costs $55.50
Cherie Jacobs, fail to yield, pled not guilty
Victoria Siefers, accident involving damage, fine $50
Victoria Siefers, duty to give information, dismissed
Victoria Siefers, duty to report accident, fine $125, court costs $55.50
Victoria Siefers, inattentive driving, fine $50
Victoria Siefers, no current proof of insurance, dismissed - proof shown
Branden Grauer, minor in consumption, fine $75, court costs $55.50
Jim Rowell, disorderly conduct, continued
Jim Rowell, battery domestic violence, continued
Jennifer Lopez, theft, ontinued to Feb. 12
David Ralston, driving while suspended, fine $250, court costs $55.50
Russell Lane, battery domestic violence, fine $100, cout costs $55.50
Lacy Prather, attery domestic violence, continued Feb. 26
Lacy Prather, disorderly conduct, ontinued Feb. 26
Derryc Werner, no insurance, fine $800, court costs $55.50
Bryce Anderson, driving while suspended, fine $250, court costs $55.50
Maria Cavendar, illegal tags, failed to appear
Maria Cavendar, no proof of insurance, failed to appear
Maria Cavendar, driving while suspended, failed to appear
Ryan Hamby, theft of services , fine $50, court costs $55.50
Bryce Anderson, criminal trespass, fine $350, court costs $55.50
Joshua Roan, dog at large, fine $25, court costs $55.50
Ellinwood municipal court