ELLINWOOD — The Ellinwood Recreation Commission has begun looking for a full-time director and will begin advertising for the position. The job begins on January 15, 2014 when the commission begins to collect its mill levy taxes, passed at the election in April. The commission has been meeting monthly to discuss and make plans for the upcoming year.
The commission agreed on a job description for the director. Some of the requirements include management of the recreational system, facilities and programs. The director will plan, organize and direct the programs and facilities; plan for future expansion of the Rec, and keep the public informed of goals objectives, policies and procedures.
The duties will also include providing for the upkeep and maintenance of all facilities, preparing the budget, assisting with the creation of a comprehensive recreation program, supervising employees, recruiting volunteers, performing promotional activities, and being visible in the community as a representative of the Rec.
The commission agreed on a salary range for the job. The position will pay $30,000 to $35,000 per year with one week of vacation after six months and a second week after one year. The director will also receive benefits which include KPERS, health insurance and paid time off.
In addition, the requirements for the job include a strong background in the recreation field with a proven employment record, a college degree or certification in recreation or related field preferred and proven leadership and organizational skills. All applicants will be subject to background check.
The commission will advertise the position in local newspapers and the Kansas Recreation and Parks Association.
In new business, the commission began working on facility use agreements with the school and city.
Members of the commission are Mel Waite, Greg Maxwell, Troy Moore, Rob Fisher and Amanda Proffitt.
In final business, the commission:
• Continued to work on by-laws and organizational documents. This item was tabled after discussion.
• Discussed insurance and an accounting management plan. Plus, They would like to look at online registration for programs.
• Will meet at its next meeting Nov. 7, 2013.
Ellinwood Rec begins process of finding director