HOISINGTON — In an effort to promote school unity, build leadership skills and help foster student growth, Hoisington Middle School held Spirit Week last week.
“The reason for our spirit week at HMS is to do activities that bring our HMS community together,” said Cindy Wilborn, wellness teacher and student council sponsor. “Planning activities that everyone can participate in creates opportunities to build relationships. When you get to know and learn about others through fun activities, an appreciation begins to develop.”
“Kids are the front line against bullying” she said. “Having an appreciation for others will decrease bullying.”
Recently, when asked to give their own definition of bullying, one student, Jason Bradley, a seventh grader said, “Bullying is when someone is not appreciating who you are.”
“I think he was spot on,” Wilborn said.
It was a light bulb moment about appreciating others because they are a human being in the world, she said.
The seventh and eighth graders have been working on a unit about bullying and the different types of bullying, including cyber bullying. Each student is working on a personal mission statement to help them reflect on their own strengths.
Part of what she would like to instill in students is that students need to use their voice. If that doesn’t work, students should report bullying to a trusted adult.
It goes back to the adage that “You teach people how to treat you,” she said. “If you allow it to go on, it will.”
Middle school students seem to be particularly vulnerable to bullying because they are trying to figure out who they are, because they have insecurities, and their bodies are changing quickly, Wilborn said.
“Hoisington Middle School works diligently to create a safe, fun, environment that is conducive to optimum student success,” Wilborn said. “There are many wonderful students here and staff that care deeply for the students they serve,” the teacher said.
“We appreciate our students ,our families, and our community. School should feel welcome.”
HMS holds Spirit Week, enhancing unity