HOISINGTON — The Hoisington City Council met at its regular meeting on Monday. Below are the unofficial minutes of the meeting.
Tyson Markham of Stern Brothers & Co. spoke to council about refinancing the 2008 GO Sewer Bonds and the 2009 Series A GO Refunding Bonds. Interest rates and cost of issuance was discussed. Motion carried.
The council discussed at great length animal control regulations. Our community recently experience an unfortunate incident of a young child being bitten by a pit bull and having to obtain medical attention for the injuries. The dog has since then been euthanized.
Some options are: 1) utilize or maybe modify the existing ordinance on animal control; b) maybe re-define vicious animal; 3) maybe review breed specific legislation or legislation on spayed or neutered animals were discussed.
Dave McMillan, Hoisington Veterinary Hospital, addressed the council about this concern. Before he spoke to Council he wanted to publicly voiced his concerns and prayers for the boy that was bitten and his family and anything he says or presents tonight is not to be construed to lessen his concern for the boy.
He began by referencing and citing various publications concerning breed specific vicious animals. Pictures of dogs of various breeds were looked at and council could see how hard it is to identify breeds. Holding owners accountable for their animal by licensing the owner rather than the animal was discussed, as well as breed specific bans and time spent enforcing ordinances, owner education, animal obedience classes and better enforcement of current laws.
There is concern of council for public health & safety of our citizens and how to prevent this happening again. The Council thanked Dave McMillan for his presentation.
It was consensus of the governing body to review Article 2-115 of the City Code. Table the issue until the Aug. 12 meeting and see what City of Great Bend does with this issue as well.
City manager updates were:
• Safe Routes to School sidewalk to Activity Center the City has applied to the County for permission to put a crosswalk to cross Susank Road.
•Have Scott Christians Construction putting a dead bolt lock on the inner City Office door after attempted break end over the weekend with damage to current door lock and second exit door will be installed in City Office as an exit only.
•Tipping fees at the county landfill will increase from $34 to $38 ton on Jan. 1, 2014. Mitchell has been in contact with Stutzman’s on what their rate for customers will go to;
•Dave Wondra is back at Power Plant, staff will continue repairs on engines, with capability test on all engines to be done by Aug. 31;
•Joel and Mandy Mason have signed to build a new home in McKenna Meadows;
•Purple Wave Auction City has items listed, have ad in paper for sealed bids on the old trolley bus;
•The swimming pool has had 8,500 people attending so far this season.
Motion Farmer second VanBrimmer to adjourn the meeting.
Hoisington City Council meets