Owen Ahmu, battery domestic violence, dismissed
Jared L. Cregger, no proof of insurance, dismissed upon compliance
Kristine Depiesse, no proof of insurance, pre-trial April 17
Kristine Depiesse, driving while suspended, pre-trial April 17
Patrick A. Doty, harassment by telephone devise, dismissed
Eric Scott Gentz, battery domestic violence, dismissed
Nathan A. Guile, battery domestic violence, trail May 1
Rayna Hart, illegal window tint %15, fine, $140
William R. Havener, parking disable vehicle, dismissed upon compliance
Dustin Hawkins, drive while suspended, failed to appear
Johnathon M. Hiserote, theft, failed to appear
Nichole R. McConkey, battery domestic violence, trial April 17
Myra Dean Mills, vicious animal, trial June 5
Myra Dean Mills, dog at large, trial June 5
Peter A. Montoya, no proof of insurance, motion to default bond
Jesse G. Pribble, criminal trespass, trial May 1
Clinton Rogers, battery domestic violence, trial May 1
Christ A. Stevenson, battery domestic violence, 6 months jail all but 48 hours suspended, 12 months unsupervised probation, $200 fine, $110 court costs, $200 attorney fees
Jared L. Cregger, inattentive driving, dismissed upon payment, $110 court costs
Hoisington Municipal Court Docket - April 3