HOISINTON — At a well-attended Chamber of Commerce coffee, Stutzman Refuse Disposal hosted the event, showing the automated trash truck, the new polycarts, and having a ribbon cutting.
“We’re excited to be in the community,” said Jeff Fawcett, municipal marketing manager.
When service starts the week of April 15, the community will be divided in half, and residential customers will be serviced on Thursday or Friday, depending which side of town they live in.
Recyclables can be put in the recyclable container as they are. The recyclables will be picked up every other week. Fawcett suggested rinsing out bottles to eliminate odors, though.
Newspapers, magazines, inserts, bottles, plastics #1-7, tin and aluminum cans, paper and cardboard boxes can be placed in the recyclable container. The company asks that the boxes be broken down.
The company does not want shredded paper because it can clog recycling machines, and no plastic bags in the recycling container. They do not accept tires, yard waste, refrigerants or fluorescent bulbs.
“Sixty percent of your trash can be recycled,” said Fawcett. Stutzman is the only recycling facility in the state that accepts glass.
The regular trash will go to the Barton County Landfill.
They will also provide commercial service, and businesses can pay an $3 per month for locking containers.
Fawcett said each customer will receive a coupon for one bulky pickup per year. In addition, they will have one cleanup day per year. Large amounts of construction debris are not allowed.
Stutzman will maintain prices for residential customers for the next three years unless there are unforeseen increases in landfill fees or fuel.
City Manager Jonathan Mitchell said that the two current city employees who work in sanitation will be offered jobs in other areas.
Stutzman is from south Hutchinson and collect trash in 85 municipalities.
Hoisington to begin new single stream trash recycling April 15