ELLINWOOD — The Ellinwood High School’s Mystic Blues will rock at 7 p.m. Saturday to the retro tunes of American Bandstand in the auditorium. Homemade desserts will follow at the annual after dinner theater.
“I thought people across generations could relate,” said Director Meredith Duling. “I thought it was important for kids to understand that era.”
Tickets are $6 and includes both the show and dessert. Tickets can be purchased from any Mystic Blues member, the Ellinwood Library or at the door.
The singers are Tiara Espinosa, Stephanie Troyer, Hannah Maddy, Rachel Schloctermeier, Darrien Beckwith, Jenna Snell, Amanda Tucker, Ashley Sheldon, Kaitlyn Robl, Damon Fisk, Shawn Troyer, Matthew Niles, Vaughn Jenkins, Ian Goering, Sam Kline-Martin, Aaron Pike, Wyatt Smith and Connor Birzer.
EHS music teacher Meredith Duling, is the director, Jaclyn Dewey, choreography, Leon Sobba, stage technician, Jeri Harder, accompanist, Shawn Henderson, drums and Dan Duling, bass.
The Mystic Blues will sing their competition music during the first half of the show. These songs are “Ave Maria”; “Cindy” featuring Damon Fisk, tenor; “The Lass from the Low Countree”, featuring Ashley Sheldon, soprano; “Three Madrigals”- “O Mistress Mine, where are you roaming?”, “Take, O take those lips away” and “Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more!”; “The Cherry Tree” featuring Tiara Espinosa, soprano; “Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes” featuring Hannah Maddy, soprano; Festival Sanctusz” with the EHS quartet; “Alma del core” featuring Stephanie Troyer, soprano; and “Zum Gali, Gali”.
After intermission, the Mystic Blues will sing “Bandstand Boogie”, “Shout/Twist and Shout”, “Sway”, “Your Mama Don’t Dance”, “I Won’t Dance” and “Footloose”.
Mystic Blues to rock to American Bandstand