A series of public meetings for Quivira National Wildlife Refuge are scheduled for three area communities. Quivira has completed a draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan for public review. The goal of the Plan, or CCP, is to provide guidance and management direction for all Refuge programs for the next 15 years. It includes a vision statement and supporting goals, objectives, and strategies.
Public involvement is an integral part of the CCP process. The meetings, presented in an informal, open-house format, are designed to allow guests to discuss issues that the CCP will address. Persons interested can drop by anytime during the scheduled periods to meet with Service personnel, learn more about the CCP, and provide input. The sessions are scheduled as follows:
• Monday, 5 –7 p.m.: April 29, 2013; Stafford; Senior Center, 130 South Main.
• Tuesday, 5 –7 p.m.: April 30, 2013; Wichita; Great Plains Nature Center, 6232 East 29th St. North
• Wednesday, 5 –7 p.m.: May 1, 2013; Great Bend; Front Door, 1615 Tenth St.
Web access to the Plan (http://www.fws.gov./mountain-prairie/planning/ccp/ks/qvr/qvr.html). More details on the CCP and the public meetings are available by calling Quivira at 620-486-2393, or on the Refuge website at www.fws.gov/quivira.
Quivira Public meetings scheduled