Ribbon cutting The Hoisington Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting at Clara Barton Hospital Surgical and Specialty Outreach Clinic. This clinic for visiting specialty physicians is now offered at 353 W. 10th in Hoisington. The specialty physicians now have substantially more room for patient care at the new location, said Keith Wilborn, VP Clinic Operation. Prior to this relocation, visiting physicians held their clinics at Clara Barton Medical Clinic. All outreach specialty physicians including Dr. Youngman, cardiology, Dr. Fan, rehab medicine, Dr. Cheema and Dr. Bassett, orthopedic, Dr. Romito, allergist and Dr. Robert Weingart, urology, hold clinics in the new location across the street from the hospital. For more information, call Clara Barton Medical Clinic at 620-653-2386. Latest Kudos for Dudek's koi paintings Catch monarchs at Quiviras Monarch Mania Sunflower Diversified pancake dinner sets new record Ellinwood Municipal Court Docket - June 14