ELLINWOOD — On Sunday, Sept. 29 starting at 9 a.m. St. Joseph high school youth will be hosting a community wide breakfast/brunch at St. Joseph Parish Center on 2nd St. in Ellinwood.
The menu for the breakfast/brunch includes biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit, and drinks.
A free will offering will be taken with all proceeds going towards the group’s mission trip scheduled for next year.
“Our youth are working hard to raise funds so they can go work hard elsewhere, and it makes me proud. They are learning to put their faith in action on a local level and on a national level,” said a parent of one of the youth group’s members.
The mission trip will provide youth the opportunity to do outreach while helping continued efforts to clean up and rebuild after the Oklahoma tornadoes. The group will serve in homeless shelters and soup kitchens and help indigent families with specialty projects.
To support the youth in their fundraising or to find out more ways you can help, any interested parties are asked to contact the group’s leader, Raechel Manley, at stjosephhighschoolpsr@hotmail.com or by calling St. Joseph Church in Ellinwood.
St. Joseph youth to hold breakfast/brunch fundraiser