CLAFLIN —The USD 112 Central Plains Future Farmers of America won both regionals and state in land judging. What readers may not know is land judging consists of two categories, homesite evaluation and land judging.
Homesite is where one decipher’s if that area of land is deemed appropriate for a home.
Land judging is when one decides whether it is suitable for cropland or pasture. In land judging, you base your ratings on texture, depth of soil, slope, erosion, permeability, and surface runoff.
Homesite is based off of surface texture, depth of soil, slope, erosion, permeability, surface runoff, shrink-swell, water table, and flooding.
On Oct. 2, the Land Judging team went to Centre for district contest. They placed 1st as a team. The students were Gloria Strong who placed 2nd, Evan Liebl placed 3rd, Kylee Girard placed 9th, and Clayton Ingham placed 10th as individuals. Other students who participated were: Weston Price, Carson Kirmer, Kammeron Haggerty, Louis Leiker, Bre Scott, and Zak Pflughoeft.
The state contest was held on Oct. 5 in Arlington. Central Plains placed 1st as a team. Evan Liebl placed 2nd, Louis Leiker placed 3rd, Weston Price received 4th, and Carson Kirmer placed 9th as individuals. Other students that participated were Clayton Ingham, Gloria Strong, Kylee Girard, and Zak Pflughoeft.
The Central Plains FFA will be participating at the National Land Judging Contest in Oklahoma City during the first week of May.
USD 112 Land Judging takes state