HOISINGTON — USD 431 school board held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday. The board approved an out-of-state trip for the Family, Career and Consumer Leaders of America. The group will travel to Denver for the event.
The board learned that five or six water fountains were replaced throughout the district because of age.
Also approved was a request from Catholic youth to attend the Catholic Youth Conference. They will miss school, and they need to be caught up before they can leave.
In his administrative report, Superintendent Bill Lowry, reported that the golf foundation raised $4,800 for scholarships.
The school ordered 20 more lockers for the middle school because of an increase in enrollment. Lowry said both the elementary and middle school have the highest enrollment they have had in a number of years.
The board approved:
•Heater Peterson as a non-staff driver.
•A cooperative agreement with Central Christian Academy for their students to participate in volleyball, basketball and track.