HOISINGTON — USD 431 Board of Education approved the purchase of digital cameras for the district at its regular meeting on Monday.
Kerry Mooney, technology coordinator for the district, was present at the meeting and explained the proposal. There would be approximately 70 cameras purchased that would record on motion detection.
“It’s a fairly economical system,” said Mooney. He added that he has two terabytes of storage for recording, and that some of the cameras would have audio capture.
“Every doorway will be covered, and the high school parking lot will be covered,” he said.
Mooney said that Lincoln School and Hoisington High School will be the priority since the both of those schools have limited front door visibility.
Spending up to $8,000 was approved for the cameras. Although there are currently cameras in the district, they are analog.
The board also approved the expenditure of up to $20,000 for locking doors for all four building’s main entrances. The remainder of the doors throughout the buildings are locked.
The board approved a contract with School Improvement Network for teacher development which will allow for online on-demand professional development videos. The videos support the College and Career Ready Standards.
Hoisington Middle School Principal Pat Reinhardt said, “Teachers wouldn’t have to be out of the classroom. The videos are updated all of the time.”
Following viewing of a video, there are question and answers to provide for accountability.
The board approved the district goals for 2013-2018. They are:
•Support technology for students and staff; support Kansas College and Career Ready Standards; and promote parent involvement.
•Use all forms of communication available for parents and staff; collect feedback from staff and parents; and use the website as a tool and increase effectiveness of website.
•Provide best security possible; and review design and implement a plan for adequate building space for future enrollment that will provide the best possible educational opportunities for all students.
•Be prepared for changes in budget.
•Promote a positive learning environment; and promote positive classroom management; and provide art classes K-12, career mentoring and leadership training.
•Create collaboration between the district and community partners including the Recreation Commission and qualified volunteers; work with organizations on after school programs and community daycare; and identify community partners for career mentoring.
•Allow faculty to share their abilities and strengths as professional development.
USD 431 to add digital cameras