ELLINWOOD — Those 26-book encyclopedias and heavy dictionaries, once highly valued, have pass their expiration date in the Information Age as users find the Internet more convienient and up-to-date. Along with damaged books or books with out-of-date information, they are being repurposed as arts and craft items for decorating.
“The repurposing book project is a hot topic with crafters,” said Sharon Sturgis, librarian at Ellinwood School/Community Library. She and the library staff have created a display case full of creative ideas and samples.
Ellinwood High School students also helped out by folding pages.
No longer collecting dust, old books have become scrap books, planters, pillars, a Kindle holder, photo frame,jewelry, book marks, and as a canvas. An old comic book cover has found new life as a bracelet, and small furniture has been built from books.
Sturgis also presented a program called “Repurposed Book Project Ideas” at a recent Central Kansas Library System conference.
“It’s an alternative to filling up landfills,” said Sturgis. “People are using books as an art form to an amazing level.”
Vintage books find a new shelf