Walking trail From left, Richard Hayes, Janel Rose, Kelly Nixon and Jon Oeser prepare to install the new sign for the walking trail that starts at Claflin High School last Thursday. The Tradition Trail is 1.12 miles long. The Claflin Recreation Commission and the Claflin Schools are accepting donations to keep improving the trail. Rose, Barton County Health Department, initiated the trail as a part of the Chronic Disease Risk Reduction Grant received by BCHD. Hayes, Nixon and Oeser are volunteers from CRC. Rose will continue to work on additional signage with the map on it and on a Tradition Trail brochure that will have a copy of the map, rules of the trail, and community activity information that can be distributed. - photo by KAREN LA PIERRE Great Bend Tribune Latest Kudos for Dudek's koi paintings Catch monarchs at Quiviras Monarch Mania Sunflower Diversified pancake dinner sets new record Ellinwood Municipal Court Docket - June 14