Even though late October is not usually the time for short sleeves, that is the attire suggested for the drive-through, flu-shot clinic at St. Rose Ambulatory & Surgery Center. The annual event is set for 8 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 26 at St. Rose.
“We will offer flu vaccines up to 11 a.m. or until the 400 doses run out,” said Gloria Siefkes, St. Rose employee health nurse. “The flu shots are free but goodwill donations will be accepted.”
Motorists are encouraged to enter the St. Rose campus from the south side near the ambulance bay, not from the Broadway side. Those who want flu shots must be 18.
Consent forms may be filled out the day of the event or in advance by visiting www.stroseasc.org.
“The flu season in this area generally runs from November to March,” Siefkes said. “So this is a great time to get ahead of it, especially since it takes about two weeks to build up an immunity.
“If you are at the tail end of a cold, it is okay to get a flu shot,” Siefkes added. “But if a cold is just coming on, it is better to wait.”
In addition, Siefkes noted, there are others who should not get the vaccine. These include people with severe egg allergies, past strong reactions to flu shots, as well as those who have ever had Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
But for most people, Siefkes added, the vaccine is the best available protection from the flu and its complications. It also helps prevent spreading it from one person to another.
The St. Rose Foundation, Dominican Sisters and Golden Belt Community Foundation are donating the vaccines to the drive-through clinic.
“We appreciate this generosity from each of these organizations and the people who donate to them,” Siefkes said. “They understand the importance of flu prevention to our efforts to create healthier communities.
Drive-through flu clinic available Oct. 26