Local volunteers who are concerned about emergency preparation have an important meeting coming up, according to Emergency Management Director Amy Miller.
Miller said the Barton County Local Emergency Planning Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday in the courthouse.
She noted the meeting will cover some of the work that is currently being done in emergency planning, but it will also focus in on opportunities to train in the future.
“The agenda will include discussion the Comprehensive Resource Management Credentialing System, and an update on the Barton County Hazard Analysis, update on drought conditions, discussion on membership of the committee and discussion on a training and exercise planning workshop.”
Barton County LEPC was designed “to establish and maintain a Hazardous Materials Plan, conduct exercises of the plan and serve as the contact for the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Program, often referred to as SARA Title III,” Miller explained.
The committee is made up of representatives of: elected officials, hospitals, community service/civic groups, law enforcement, health/medicine/ transportation, fire fighting, environment, communications media, and others regulated by SARA Title III.
Anyone needing more information on the committee or the meeting can contact Miller, 793-1919 or by e-mail at emermgnt@bartoncounty.org.
Emergency committee meeting planned for Monday