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Orchard shooting up, improvements anticipated
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Barton County Agricultural Extension Agent Alicia Boor indicates the first year growth on an apple tree in the newly established community orchard at Great Bend Brit Spaugh Zoo. The trees were planted in April, and benefitted from a cool spring and regular watering by Boor and other Master Gardener volunteers. - photo by VERONICA COONS, Great Bend Tribune
Five months after volunteers planted a community apple orchard in Great Bend Brit Spaugh Zoo, the dream has taken root and, so far, is flourishing. Wednesday morning, Barton County Extension Agent Alicia Boor visited the planting and was pleased to note the growth visible on the young trees. There are three varieties of apples, and each have anywhere from 18 to 24 inches of new growth visible on branches that benefitted from a cool, wet spring and consistent watering throughout the summer.