Members of the Alpha Kappa Master of Beta Sigma Phi chapter met Sept. 13 in the rural home of Julie Ford, in the screened-in room. President Alice Clapsaddle read a poem in memory of Marty Buster, longtime member. In the absence of the secretary and treasurer, Margaret Larson recorded minutes and Vice President Patty Smith collected dues. The Beta Book drill on absenteeism was presented by Patty Smith. Marcia King distributed cards for David Buster and Loretta Paulson and reviewed the remembrances for Marty Buster. The service committee reminded members to bring bears for the Early Education Center and bingo prizes to the next meeting. Rosie Rein announced a scrapbook session will be in January.
Merlene Baird presented the program on "New Paths to Friendship." A lively discussion and work session ensued with innovative suggestions for goals for the coming year. Julie Ford and co-hostess Janet Skelton served refreshments during the social hour. The next meeting will be Oct. 11 with Marcia King and Patty Smith as hosts and program presenters.