We’ve got some major problems, folks! I am exaggerating of course, but sometimes I need to gripe a bit. And besides, I do perceive problems according to others’ criteria.
I believe you Great Bend folks will relate!
First issue. Let’s consider the construction going on at Larned High School. The parking lot on the North Side is now dug up, and new footings are in place as the new building addition is going up. The building progress is fun to observe. But, where is parking space now?
The ball games will soon begin. Football first. Let’s see. We have the sides of 8th streets and the Presbyterian Church. But no way is there any room for most of the cars.
Can I park in your yard? What? It’s already rented out?
Here is my solution.
Could we “Uber” it up a bit? Perhaps we might park our cars at the Community Center, and car pool back to the high school? Or could we use buses to take us back and forth from the Community Center to the game and back?
The pick-up system works at the airport parking lots.
It could work for us.
Let’s think this through before the game season begins?
Next problem.
Salaries for our teachers and our police should be top priority in any community in this day and age. Teachers form our future minds, and police put their lives on the line to protect our future. Enough said.
My complaint is that it is totally ridiculous, insane, ludicrous, mentally unstable, misdirected, and preposterous that we pay our athletes so much money to hit a ball, or catch a ball, or carry a ball, or kick a ball, or throw a ball...just to do just that!
Our society pays these people millions of dollars, for Pete’s sake.
What are they thinking? Are they thinking? Do they want to think?
Oh, but you see, this is an industry, and the industry is making a lot of money...People want this.
Well, people are crazy and out of control. And our society in the meantime is rewarding outrageous sums of money to folks for this kind of work when we put little value on our kids and our safety.
Pleeeeeese. Save me the explanations.
Problem three.
Where have the supervisors of restaurant waitresses gone?
Who’s training these people? Do employers take quality time to teach how to do the job required?
I would appreciate the opportunity to train and supervise waitresses. First, I would teach them to not only write down orders, but to also have a notebook with them to remember things like “That table asked for water. The table in the corner needs catsup. The table to the right doesn’t have any silverware!”
Yes, I would make them take notes until those requests were automatically etched in their brains.
I would provide matching aprons with large pockets to carry extra silver, catsup and whatever else people ask for daily. I would remind them about good tips if they give good service.
I would instruct the waitresses to not whisk away the plates the minute the last piece of food goes in the mouth of their diners.
What’s the deal? Is the kitchen short on plates? And, I would tell them to not interrupt the diners so often. “More coffee? How is everything tasting?”
Goodness. I come to the restaurant to visit and eat. Please just observe. Pour the dang coffee and if I have a complaint I will tell you.
Forgive me. I am having a bit of a consumer breakdown.
These are only little “pet” peeves passed on to me by others who have asked graciously for me to address them.
I am only too glad to do so.
“A Woman’s View” is Judi Tabler’s reflection of her experiences and events. She is a wife, mother, writer, teacher, grandmother, and even a great grandmother. Contact Annie at pprarieannie@gmail.com.