LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met March 14, 2011 in regular session. The following are approved minutes from the commission clerk Ruth Searight.
9 a.m. — Pawnee County commissioners Donna Pelton and Becky Bowman were present and John Haas was absent. The commissioners sorted through mail.
10 a.m. — Pawnee County Extension agents Rod Wallace and Donna Preisner and Extension council members Kathy Hammeke, Aaron Wolff and Mike Barton were present. The Extension agents discussed the challenges and problems they are encountering to cover operating expenses. They discussed possible solutions including looking at redistricting.
10:45 — Mike Gilmore, Tiller and Toiler, visited with the commissioners regarding their special meeting March 11 and the Public Building Commission.
11 a.m. — Mary Beth Herrmann, Pawnee County health administrator, gave paperwork for the commissioners to sign for grants.
11:30 — Kathie Rondeau, Natural Resources Conservation Services district manager, and Matt Meyerhoff, NRCS soil conservationist, provided updates on activities and plans.
Commissioners approved and signed checks for payroll, bills and expenses.
1:30 p.m. — John Settle, Pawnee County attorney, visited about various county business.
2 p.m. — Don Gaeddert, Larned city manager and Settle, Pawnee County attorney, discussed airport budget and finances.
2:30 — Settle discussed hospital issues. He discussed the three pending tax foreclosure sales. He discussed four years of delinquent taxes for Key Gas/BGB in the amount of approximately $65,000, He said action needs to be taken.
The meeting was adjourned.
March 16 Special Meeting
2 p.m. — The Pawnee County commissioners conducted a special meeting for with Diana Coggin, Clean Line Energy, regarding setting up a transmission line, and to attend to any other business as needed.
Commissioners Pelton, Bowman and Haas were present. Others present were Don Gaeddert, Larned city manager; Courtland Holman, Pawnee County Economic Development director, and Mark Wagner, Pawnee County emergency management-zoning director.
Diana Coggin, Clean Line Energy Partners, project development manager, presented and discussed the possible building of a direct current transmission line from Spearville, to St. Louis, Mo. She discussed the challenges and costs for the project.
After discussion, Coggin informed the commissioners that the company filed an application to become a utility March 7. She requested that city and county officials write letters of support to help their application.
3:30 — The meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting was scheduled March 21.
Extension agents speak to commission
Pawnee County commission