LARNED — Ruth Searight, Pawnee County clerk, reports filings for the city/school board election scheduled April 7 as of Thursday morning, Jan. 22, 2015. The final filing date is noon, Tuesday, Jan. 27.
Larned USD 495 voters will also consider a $22 million school bond question.
The Fort Larned USD 495 board of education unanimously approved the following resolution at their regular monthly board meeting held Monday, Jan. 12, 2015.
“A resolution authorizing and providing for the calling of a bond election in the Unified School District No 495, Pawnee County, Kansas (Fort Larned) for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the district the question of issuing general obligation bonds of the district; authorizing the application to the State Board of Education for the authority to call said bond election; and providing for the giving of notice of said bond election.
Shall the following be adopted?
Shall United School District No. 495, Pawnee County, Kansas (Fort Larned) issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $22.2 million to pay the costs to (A) make site improvements and construct, equip and furnish a new elementary school building in the district; (B) construct renovations and improvements to the existing high school, including but not limited to (1) replacement of certain windows, exterior doors and light fixtures; (2) improvements to plumbing, electrical, HVAC, science rooms, gymnasium and locker rooms; and (3) a new storm shelter/multi-purpose room, strength and conditioning areas and teacher’s workroom; and make all other necessary improvements, all pursuant to the provisions of KSA 10-101 et seg.: KSA 25-2018(f); KSA 72-6761; and KSA 75-2315 et seq.
The following candidates have filed for office in Pawnee County.
Larned City Mayor — William Nusser
Larned City Council
Ward 1 – Jim Simpson; Carroll Bennett
Ward 2 – no filings
Ward 3 – Dennis E. Wilson; Crystal Grosfield; Matthew Miles Craven
Ward 4 – Kim Barnes
Burdett City Mayor – Leon Jennings
Burdett City Council (2 spots) – Gary W. Schmidt
Garfield City Mayor – no filings
Garfield City Council (5 spots) – Edward Ummel
Rozel City Mayor – no filings
Rozel City Council (2 spots) – Pam Taylor; Erin A. Josefiak
Fort Larned USD 495
Position 1 – Sharon Lessard; Deborah Lewis
Position 2 – no filings
Position 3 – no filings
Position 7 – Jenn Manry, Debra Kauer
Pawnee Heights USD 496
Position 1-1 — Cory Reece
Position 2-2 – Laurie J. Josefiak
Position 2-4 – Kevin Milch
Position 7 – Rochelle Miller
Interested parties file for city, school boards