LARNED — Larned Mayor Robert C. Pivonka called a special session to order Dec. 19 with the following council members present:
Kim Barnes, Dennis Wilson, Dave Zecha, Charles Spina, George Elmore. Absent were Barbara Hammond, Harry Zielke and Gary Rainbolt.
City Manager Lane Massey and City Clerk Pam Corby were present. City Attorney Jerry Larson was absent.
Public hearing airport budget
Mayor Robert Pivonka opened the public hearing. There were no comments. On motion by Elmore, seconded by Zecha, and carried, to close the public hearing.
On motion by Barnes, seconded by Spina, and carried, to approve the budget amendment as presented by staff.
Personnel handbook
City Manager Lane Massey reviewed the process for the revision of the personnel policy handbook.
Kutak-Rock LLP was hired as the firm to revise the personnel policy handbook, not to exceed $4,000.
Helping Hands
City staff recommends the Utility Assistance Program for 2012.
The council voted to allocate $3,000 base with an additional $2,000 matching funds.
Ordinance for 911 fund
Ordinance No. 1538. An ordinance establishing a 911 fund for the city of Larned. The council voted to approve Ordinance No. 1538.
Resolution for longevity pay
Resolution 2011-11 authorizes payment of longevity pay to Anthony Perez for 31 years of service. He retired July 1, 2011.
Resolution 2011-11 was approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Larned city council approves airport budget amendment