LARNED — The Fort Larned USD 495 school board met April 11 in regular session. The following are approved minutes submitted by Joyce Simpson, the board clerk.
Jay Haremza, board president, called the regular meeting to order. Marda Giessel, Jay Haremza, Brenda Hagerman, Sharon Arnold, Cory Stelter, June Barger, Sharon Lessard, Jon Flint, superintendent; Bonnie Carlson, treasurer; Joyce Simpson, clerk, and Phil Martin, board attorney, were in attendance.
The agenda was approved as presented. The minutes of March 14 were approved as presented. The bills were approved as presented. The February treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Directors Reports
Maintenance Director Daryl Gobin reported on the remaining priority items on his list noting that the locks came in at $2,024. The windows would be set up in a 3 phase project. An architect’s estimate on Phase 1 was $59,475; Phase 2 was estimated at $59,000; Phase 3 estimated at $73,525 with the total estimate at $192,000.
Gobin stated that Phase 2 and Phase 3 would not be done until next year. Gobin noted that the glass blocks that are in the building are in pretty bad shape and would need to be replaced with a panel that has polystyrene in between. These panels look very nice on buildings and would save on heat. He said it was a project that would need to be done over the summer. If the board wanted to proceed on the windows, bids would need to be sent out.
After some discussion, it was determined by the board to send out bids. A special board meeting might be scheduled if bids are not received by May 4. Gobin noted he would get the bid information sent out.
Curriculum Director Jennifer Anderson reported that the schools are getting ready for another Early Out which will be at each building level. It will be a time to go over the State Assessment results and she will have a meeting at the District Office with some of the teachers on the Math standards. Kelpa testing will hopefully take place next week. The State Assessment auditor had great things to say about the High School also.
Observation was done on Cheryl Palkowitsh’s classes and was very impressed. The Mentor Program is wrapping up and she will be doing some evaluating. Anderson reported she has the Math Curriculum set for the end of the school year and will be looking at the resources available since textbooks cannot be purchased with budget constraints.
Transportation Director Richard Fairchild said the price of fuel is still a bad situation. Fairchild reported that they are lining out summer duties with the busses being checked for rust. There is at least one bus that has some pretty bad rust spots that will need to be addressed. The Special Education bus is in Bonner Springs, putting on the final touches. He reported that things are looking fairly good in the Transportation Department.
Technology Director Stan Higgins reported that they are planning a summer schedule to see what they can get done. Yvonne attended a Power School workshop last week and felt like she learned much. He stated that he finally tracked down a couple of companies that might do the work, and that he had Nex-tech coming out to do a survey.
Student Spotlight
Jennifer Fitzpatrick, LHS chemistry teacher had the chemistry class present a video as part of their unit assessment in order to utilize what had been taught in class. Juniors Sarah Liston and Brianne Smith presented a video on how different aspects of chemistry that had been taught in class was used for the video props.
Middle School Site Council
Lynn Barger reported that the Larned Middle School site council is a good forum to discuss and get information out to parents. Barger said Principal Derek Reinhardt always has an agenda for the meeting.
The assessment tests have been discussed and everyone has had an opportunity to fill out a survey so everyone has an input. Barger said the council averages eight parents and two teachers along with Mr. Reinhardt. Barger said the site council gives a good opportunity to share.
Acceptance of grants
Approval passed to accept the Golden Belt Community Foundation Grant for $I,800 for the purchase of the 3 LCD projectors at the Middle School and to accept the Golden Belt Community Foundation Grant in for $I,535 for exercise equipment suitable for sixth, seventh and eighth graders.
Capital bids
The board accepted a bid of $24,150 from High Plains Roofing, Inc. to tear off and replace a section of the Hillside Elementary roof, which includes a Firestone 10-year labor and materials warranty.
The board approved a bid of $37,520 from High Plains Roofing, Inc. to tear off and replace the low section of the Alternative Learning Center roof, which includes a Firestone 10-year labor and materials warranty.
The board accepted a bid of $60,245 from American Boiler and Mechanical to replace the boiler at Phinney Elementary School. Work will begin after May 27 and will completed by August 15, 2011.
Other business
August 18, 2011 was approved as the beginning student date and May 25, 2012 was accepted as the ending student date for the 2011-2012 school year for Larned USD 495.
Maintenance items priced for USD 495
April board minutes