LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met May 31 in a special session. The following are approved minutes submitted by Pawnee Commission clerk Ruth Searight.
9 a.m. — Pawnee County commissioners Kathy Bowman, Donna Pelton and John Haas were present.
Commissioners discussed Pawnee Valley Community Hospital.
Commissioners went through mail.
Commissioners signed a road crossing permit for Kurt Demel, Pawnee County highway administrator.
Demel provided updates on plans, activities, airport, township work, price of oil and noxious weeds.
9:35 a.m. — Commissioners discussed the Larned-Pawnee County Airport.
Commissioners signed change orders 2010-123, 125 and 126.
They signed a Farmers Bank and Trust Signature Card.
After discussion, commissioners signed a engineering contract for the airport after visiting with Don Gaeddert, Larned city manager.
10:05 a.m. — After a discussion with Darold Bussard, Pawnee County custodian, commissioners approved two ceiling fans for third floor in the hallway, as quoted by Peterson Electric for $864, to be paid from the Courthouse budget.
Commissioners received a request from the Ness County Board of Commissioners to appoint Kathy Clouston as a deputy district coroner.
Commissioners agreed upon the approval of Edward Jones, M.D., 24th Judicial District Coroner. She is appointed Deputy District Coroner, upon taking her oath.
Commissioners went through mail.
10:15 a.m. — Denise Wood, Community Corrections/Juvenile Justice Authority director, visited with commissioners.
10:40 a.m. — Commissioners visited via telephone with Elaine Salmans regarding CDBG grants, and the possibility of Salmans looking into other grants.
Commissioners read and approved minutes of May 23, 2011.
11 a.m. — John Settle, County Attorney, gave an update on a new finger printing resolution.
He gave an update on CMS.
He gave an update on bond underwriters.
Settle discussed title insurance and costs for the Pawnee Valley Community Hospital.
He discussed Key Gas/BGB delinquent taxes and Dennis Keenan’s letter.
After discussion, commissioners approved diversion funds paying community corrections $5,000 annually to track diversion agreements on adults.
Commissioners approved and signed checks for payables.
11:30 a.m. — Commissioners signed a contract with KDHE on Child Care Licensing Grant after visiting with Mary Beth Herrmann, Pawnee County health administrator.
11:45 a.m. — Settle discussed CMS and bond issuers.
11:50 a.m.— Carl Miller, Pawnee County appraiser, informed commissioners the list of people who are delinquent on their Neighborhood Revitalization taxes.
Commissioners discussed the Pawnee Valley Community Hospital.
1:10 p.m. — Commissioners adjourned the meeting. The next meeting was scheduled Monday, June 6.
Pawnee commission weekly minutes