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Pawnee County commission hears reports
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 LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met at 9 a.m. Jan. 21 at the Pawnee County Courthouse. The following are approved minutes submitted by Pawnee Commission clerk Ruth Searight.
9 a.m. — Pawnee County commissioners Donna Pelton and Kathy Bowman and John C. Haas were present.
• Commissioners had a request for Camp Pawnee, but reaffirmed opening would be April 1.
• Commissioners approved and signed checks for payables. They read and approved minutes of Jan. 14.
• Commissioners discussed the Larned/Pawnee County Airport bills in question from the city of Larned. Haas madwe a motion, for the city and county to split the disputed bill of $9,000, and each pay one-half and get it settled. The motion died for lack of a second.
• Bowman made a motion that when a new contract was put in place effective for Jan. 1, 2013, Pawnee County would pay one-half of the bill.  The motion died for lack of a second.
• Commissioners discussed the need for a resolution regarding K.S.A. 50-6 et seq., regarding Kansas Scrap Dealers. Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 2013-01, with a minimum $100 sign up, and $50 renewal.  
• John Settle, Pawnee County Attorney, reviewed the 32 questions and their answers from the Concerned Citizens Group they will meet in Special Session tonight from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
10:10 a.m. — Denise Wood, Community Corrections/Juvenile Justice Authority director, presented and reviewed the quarterly reports, and after discussion, commissioners accepted the reports as presented.
Requested and discussed a two percent raise for CC/JJA employees, since most have not had a raise in five years. Approval passed effective Jan. 6, a two percent raise for all CC/JJA employees.
Commissioners reviewed handouts and information for the special meeting tonight.
11 a.m. — Commissioners moved their meeting to the Courthouse lounge to review power point, and tag the handouts and information to the questions.
• Rod Wheaton, Pawnee County Solid Waste Supervisor, passed out five signed copies of the contract with Malm Construction for the new Pawnee County Landfill cell.
1:30 p.m. — Jim Misunas, Great Bend Tribune, interviewed the commissioners regarding the new hospital facility.
2 p.m. — Matt Heyn, Pawnee Valley Community Hospital administrator, John Settle, County Attorney, with Bill Overbey and Shae Veach, HaysMed.
Heyn gave an operations update, including emergency department, commissioners open house, Feb. 24, and number of new patients at the clinic.
Overbey reviewed the December financials.  
• Commissioners reviewed the PVCH cash flow projections by month, February 2013 through December 2013.  
Pawnee County needs to give PVCH $800,000 cash for operating capital.  Pawnee County also, needs to be prepared to have $885,000 for the February, 2014 bond payment.
Haas stated they should give them a check for the $800,000 Jan. 28.
Overbey and Veach finished the phone call, and will drive to Larned this evening for the Concerned Citizens Meeting.
Heyn, Settle and Commissioners worked on the meeting for tonight.
4:45 p.m. — The meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Jan. 28.