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Pawnee County health department approves Wednesday evening hours
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LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met at 9 a.m. June 29 for a regular meeting. Pawnee County commissioners Kathy Bowman; Donna Pelton, chair; and Gary Caplinger, were present. The following are approved minutes submitted by Pawnee County clerk Ruth Searight.
• Searight gave commissioners the following for their review/approval — oil royalty check for both wells; payroll; payables; agenda; sales/comp tax report for May; copy of Charter Resolution No. 10; budget worksheets; need to correct minutes of June 15, 2015, for the amount of Pride Grants to $199,451; updated wage sheets; form to name a voting delegate for KAC; and draft minutes of June 22, 2019.
• Robin Rziha, Pawnee County health administrator,
Informed them that she had emailed a contract to John Settle, Pawnee County attorney, for his review.
Informed them that the health department is scheduling evening clinics on Wednesday’s, beginning July 1 until 7 p.m. through August.  The goal is to increase availability to the public, especially parents needing to get their children in for immunizations prior to school starting.
 The Health Department was approved as a provider for the Turn a Page. Touch a Mind (TAP-TAM) literacy program through the Kansas Pediatric Foundation.
Rhiza mentioned vacation schedules.
Rziha will attend the National Association of County and City Health Officials Conference.
The health department will sponsor a booth at the Pawnee County Fair.
Rziha will participate in the Kansas Community Leadership   Enterprise Summit.
9:05 a.m.—Executive session, 25 minutes, personnel exception.
9:10 a.m.—Commissioners approved and signed the following payroll change forms: Heather Cobb, effective June 21, 2015, Level 4, Step 7; Sabra Dupuis, effective July 5, 2015, Level 5, Step 2; Diane Zook, effective July 5, 2015, Merit Increase.
• Darold Bussard, Pawnee County Courthouse custodian, requested a new snow blower in the 2016 budget, approximately $500.
9:30 a.m.—Dolores Wren, Pawnee County register of seeds, discussed having some books re-bound. It would be paid from ROD Tech Fund.
Rziha submitted information and commissioners approved and signed a contract with Kansas Health Foundation, to approve electric fund transfers for the Breast Feeding Grant.
• Commissioners sorted through the mail.
• Commissioners approved and signed checks for payroll and payables.
• Commissioners discussed the roof, and if we need a new one, it will need to be budgeted for next year.
9:45 a.m.—Settle showed the commissioners the Pawnee Valley Community Hospital 2015 Progress Section for the hospital.  Commissioners approve one whole page ad. Settle informed them that he had a hospital meeting today.
• Kurt Demel, Pawnee County highway administrator, discussed who to use for drug testing. It was decided that he should contract with the woman in Ellinwood, as the client is the county, and he can get faster service, and possibly start usingthe instant drug test.
Demel gave an update on personnel. He further discussed instant drug testing, and will have them send the paperwork.
Demel gave updates on: patching; bridge north of Burdett; damage north of town; ad for Camp Pawnee Caretaker; mowing; stock piling sand; and bind weed and Johnson grass.
• Settle brought commissioners a 2015 proposed budget for the county attorney’s office.
• Searight discussed the funds of Adult DOC, Juvenile Doc, Kansas Set Off Program, Diversion Supervision and four issues with revenues and what fund to deposit then, as their FY ends tomorrow. Also, discussed Micro Loan.
Bowman, Pelton and Caplinger approved depositing the funds in discretionary funds.
They discussed all client reimbursement checks being made payable to Community Corrections, instead of the fund that they should have been deposited in, such as “Adult DOC, Juvenile DOC, Pawnee County Diversion Supervision.”
Pelton via telephone visited with Denise Wood, Director, Adult DOC, Juvenile DOC, Pawnee County Diversion Supervision, Lane County Diversion Supervision, Juvenile Separation, and Discretionary Funds, regarding the questions.
Pelton requested Settle and Denise Wood, director, come visit with commissioners. Denise Wood and Settle joined the group.
Searight said that KDOC called twice last year wanting fund accounting in the clerk’s office, with no comingling of  funds, and accurate accounting for revenues and payments.
Searight told them they were talking to the wrong person, as the way it has been done the past few years is the way Wood wanted, and the commissioners have approved.
Searight stated that she could cancel the clients in the Kansas Set Off Program, that Wood gave her, that are coded for Adult DOC, and Wood can have her office handle the set off accounts.
Searight, also, said that she would be willing to let the Commissioners and Wood take full responsibility for the fund accounting for Adult DOC, Juvenile DOC, Pawnee County Diversion Supervision, Lane County Diversion Supervision, Juvenile Separation; and Discretionary Fund.
Everyone was in agreement with the proposal.
12:30 p.m.—The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting was scheduled at 9 a.m. July 6.