LARNED — The Pawnee County Commission met at 8:45 a.m. Sept. 9 for a regular meeting at the Pawnee County Courthouse. The following are approved minutes submitted by Pawnee Commission clerk Ruth Searight.
Pawnee County commissioners Donna Pelton, chair; Kathy Bowman and John C. Haas were present.
• Mike Gilmore, Tiller & Toiler, asked questions about the hospital, as he is writing an article for the paper.
• Haas discussed transferring the Blazer to the hospital for them to use for employees attending meetings.
• Ruth Searight, Pawnee County clerk, gave commissioners minutes for approval. Searight gave them the county treasurer’s bond for approval and signature. Commissioners approved and signed the bond.
• Commissioners approved the meeting with the Burdett City Council tomorrow evening will be a Special Meeting. Bowman informed the others she would not be able to attend.
• Commissioners discussed the paved roads in Pawnee County, and the road to Kinsley from Rozel, and the issues with that specific road.
10 a.m. — Kurt Demel, Pawnee County highway administrator, discussed the road between Rozel and Kinsley. Problems are: people drive too fast; farmers trucks; water drainage, and communication. Haas would like to communicate the issues with the people in that area and try to come up with a solution.
Commissioners signed a road crossing permit.
Demel told commissioners one of the summer help’s last day would be Sept. 19.
He discussed an issue with drainage in Garfield Township. Gave road updates.
• Commissioners approved and signed checks for payables. They approved and signed payroll checks.
• Commissioners approved and signed payroll change for Caitlin Debes, effective Aug. 24, Level 5, to next step.
• Searight told commissioners that the penalty and interest that Pawnee County was charged, due to the error on FICA, has been forgiven, due to the good track record we have had with the IRS.
• Commissioners discussed the Kearney and Associates Contract, and will re-look at it next spring.
• Commissioners discussed EMS in Burdett and funding the part time position. Via telephone, they were informed that Paul Carrington, PVCH CNO, would join them for the Burdett City Council meeting.
They discussed, revised, and approved minutes of Sept. 3.
• Searight discussed the delinquent property taxes and the tax sale.
11:15 a.m. — Pete Schartz, First State Bank, Senior Vice-President. Discussed the three lease agreements for purchases, approved for Pawnee County Road Department.
Commissioners signed the second agreement, lease purchase. The third agreement will be due soon.
11:25 a.m. — Mary Beth Herrmann, Pawnee County health administrator, discussed giving flu shots to county employees. Commissioners approved continuing the policy of giving the flu shot to employees, billing the health insurance, and write off the balance after insurance pays.
Haas called John Settle, Pawnee County attorney, about the oil and gas lease, and the BCBS flex documents. Settle had not received the lease yet, and he didn’t have time to look at the flex documents yet.
11:40 a.m. — The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting was scheduled Sept. 10 to meet with the Burdett City Council at the Burdett Senior Center.
Sept. 10
Special Meeting
7:30 p.m. — The Pawnee County commissioners reconvened at the Burdett Senior Center, meeting with Burdett City Council.
Haas and Pelton were present. Bowman was absent. Paul Carrington, PVCH, CNO, was present.
Mayor and all five of the Burdett City Council in attendance. Approximately 15 to 20 citizens attended.
• Haas gave update on the Larned ambulance service, and inform them that an additional $6,000 was put in the County budget for 2014, as an additional appropriation help with their ambulance service.
• Pelton introduced Paul Carrington, PVCH, CNO. Carrington gave updates on activities and services since he joined PVCH in January, 2013.
• Commissioners discussed the need for EMS transport services, and discussion followed.
• Discussion and questions on long range plans on county roads and maintenance.
8:20 p.m. — The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting was scheduled at 9 a.m. Sept. 16.
Pawnee County officials travel to Burdett