Pawnee Rock City Council met on Monday, July 6 at 7 p.m. at the Pawnee Rock City offices, with Council President Deb Bader leading the meaning due to the absence of Mayor Linda McCowan.
Bader presented an update on phase one of the fire truck transfer. She presented slides detailing work being done to the recently acquired truck which the city traded with the Kansas Forest Service for an older, obsolete truck dating back to the 1950s. In June, the council approved an estimate from Aaron’s Repair for $4,900, with the understanding that supplementals would likely be submitted as work began. The council formalized that motion.
The truck is now having the cage and muffler, as well as other body work, completed by O. C. Woods Welding and Randy’s Body Shop of LaCrosse. Work is being done to modify the cage, the cab, the muffler, and tailpipes. A total of $3,563.88 for additional material and labor approved as a supplemental payment. In addition, the council approved spending $2,000 plus shipping and handling costs for new LED lighting for inside the cab and on the exterior of the truck to meet requirements. Bader informed the council that additional supplements will be needed as work continues.
The council also heard a report from Fire Chief Heath, who said he conducted training for two members in June, and plans to have two trainings a month to accomodate work schedules of volunteers. Cleaning continues, and plans are underway to attract more volunteers for the department. No fires were reported over the past month, including over the July 4 holiday. Only one EMT call was made, and it was handled by the Barton County Sheriff.
Shane Bowman presented the maintenance report. City residents did a good job of cleaning up after celebrating the July 4 holiday. The mosquito fogger has been repaired and is working well, Several other routine repairs were made to city equipment, and a new part-time assistant is working out well. He also reported that the city will need to look into purchasing a new lawn mower next year, as parts are getting difficult to find for the one the city currently owns. Bowman also attended a class where he learned to take apart and put back together the city’s chlorine equipment for the water system.
Other items of discussion and actions taken included:
Tabling discussion of the city letterhead until July.
Approval of the regular and special meeting minutes of June. A special meeting was held on June 22 to discuss the need for new grader blades.
Approved an amendment to the contract with John Henderson, the city’s contracted employee. He will receive $100 per month for providing an on-site visit for up to four hours once a month, plus update the city’s website, and if he iss asked to serve as clerk, he’ll get $20 an hour. The contract will run from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
John Henderson sent a report detailing completion of the city’s ordinances and resolutions digitization.
Formalized approval of onsite disposal of building demo waste which was discussed at the May meeting.
Set July 22 as a special meeting date for the purpose of setting a budget. Council will meet at 6 p.m.
Approved permission to set up electronic service for the city bank account which will save the city the $5 monthly charge.
Brandi Meade was asked to fill in the clerk’s position due to absence also. Council members present included in addition to Bader, Chris Meade, Vicki Alsop and Phyllis Agee. The next regular meeting of the Pawnee Rock City Council will be Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. at the city office.
Pawnee Rock firetruck nearing end of phase one