Randy Myers is running for re election for the city council position in the fourth ward. Randy has served in the position since 2006 and has served for six years or three terms. Randy has made many changes in Great Bend by bringing issues to the attention of the public. Randy made an issue of the condition of our city streets, the way the zoo was being run, and the way bids were being accepted. Because of this changes were made and the streets are being worked on, the Zoo has a new director and we are closer to being accredited and the zoo is a safer place to visit. Bids are now taken from competing businesses and the buddy system is being watched.
There is still work to be done as we still have crumbling streets in several wards and some low bids are being taken and then a change order is introduced to raise the cost which in effect costs the tax payer money. This needs to be stopped also. Randy believes if someone submits a bid they should live with it and not charge more later to cover the low bid they knew was too low just to get the bid. Randy also thinks local businesses should get priority over out of the area businesses by giving a five percent margin as the county does.
Randy has always spoken out about the issues and has represented everyone equally and he will continue to work for everyone in his ward and in the city. Randy was a police sergeant in Great Bend and an officer in Bushton and Ellsworth. Randy was on the first board of directors of Central Kansas Casa and was the vice president and president of that board. Randy actually goes out and talks to people to see how they feel about issues that will affect them and has always shared his cell phone number for immediate access to the citizens of Great Bend. Randy is a supervisor at UPS in Great Bend.
Randy is not a local business owner and does not represent the power companies, and is not indebted to any power brokers. Randy thinks we need more people who actually work side by side with the citizens of Great Bend to give you fair representation on the city council. Forward thinking should be an attribute of your representatives on the council. Wal-Mart in Pratt is remodeling and they are putting wind generators on every light post to power the store. Great Bend can not do that because your city council will not allow wind generators within three miles of Great Bend. Randy thinks we need to unload the yes men and elect people who will actually move us forward.
As Randy said in his last campaign, Let’s make Great Bend a greater place to live, work, and play.
Randy Myers running for re-election