The Heartland Center for Spirituality staff and advisory council is in the midst of planning and preparations for the second annual “Hero for Heartland” Afternoon Tea and Savory Delights. This event will take place on Sunday April 24 with a come and go Tea and Tours of the Great Bend Dominican Motherhouse from 1 – 4 p.m. Advisory council members Sr Jane Belanger, Carrie Buhler, Keith Funk, Danny Ginn, Dixie Heinrich, Ken Holderread, Pattie McGurk, Sclie Murray, Ken Moeder and Denise Wilkens along with committee members, Karen Axman, Mary Klinge and Judy Spangler have been instrumental in the planning stages.
The staff and the advisory council would like to extend an invitation to our local communities to join us for Afternoon Tea and experience a place that is close to our hearts. Come, enjoy our savory delights, and learn how Heartland Center for Spirituality is a “Spiritual Oasis for Souls.” To reserve your spot for the tea contact Ann Axman 620-792-1232 ext. 116 or by e-mail