Great Bend’s newest congregation, Heartland Community Church, will conduct its first Sunday morning service at 8:45 on Aug. 17. The church meets at the First Congregational Church, 3400 21st. St.
Heartland is a non-denominational, evangelical church led by Pastor Roy Savage, a retired minister who has served in various ministries in the Great Bend area. The Aug. 17 worship will be followed by a time of fellowship between the members of the Heartland and Congregational churches, hosted by First Congregational Church. Sunday School classes for preschool through grade six will be held during this period. Additionally, a nursery will be provided for all Heartland services.
On subsequent Sundays, Bible study will be conducted for all ages, including youth and adults, and nursery will be provided. The First Congregational Church worship begins each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
“We are eager to provide a variety of Christian ministries to the people of the area,” Savage said. “We appreciate the good people of First Congregational Church and Pastor Julie Shields for letting us share their outstanding facilities. We invite everyone to visit us, particularly those with no current church home or religious affiliation.”