Presbyterian Women of Great Bend are now taking orders for pecans from this season’s Schermer’s crop.
“Our one-pound single packaged premium pecan halves and pecan pieces are our mainstays, however we also offer 12 oz. attractively packaged specialty items like mouth-watering Pecan Caramel Clusters, scrumptious Chocolate Covered Pecans and tasty Cinnamon Glazed,” said PW member Carol Woodmansee.
An increase in prices, because of the poorer growing season in Georgia, brings the cost this year to $10 for the halves and pieces and $9 for the specialty pecans. Orders will be taken from now through the end of September. Pecans can be ordered from any Presbyterian Woman or through the church office, 792-2594.
Helen Curran, this year’s pecan chairman, notes that the pecans will arrive in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday baking. The decorative packaging of the specialty pecans makes them an attractive idea for holiday gift giving, she added.
The primary purpose for this fundraiser is mission giving in the local community and through Presbytery mission projects. According to Pam Sweeney, Moderator of Presbyterian Women, over recent years donations have been made to the Barton County Food Bank, the local Salvation Army Kettle, Barton County Emergency Aid, the programs of Sunflower Diversified, the Family Crisis Center, Prodigal House Ministries, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Central Kansas, and Presbytery Children’s Services.
Presbyterian Women selling pecans from Georgia