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Sisters of St. Catherine de Ricci merge with Dominican Sisters of Peace
chu slt sisters LythgoeAnne OrmondMargaret
The Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine de Ricci have become members of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Outgoing de Ricci President Sr. Anne Lythgoe, left, presents a treasure box to Dominican Sisters of Peace Prioress Sr. Margaret Ormond, symbolizing the gifts the de Ricci Sisters bring to the Dominican Sisters of Peace. - photo by COURTESY PHOTO
COLUMBUS, Ohio – On Saturday, Dec. 15, the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine de’ Ricci officially became members the Dominican Sisters of Peace, formerly the Great Bend Dominicans, who have served in Kansas since 1902.During the ceremony, which was webcasted live to the Motherhouse in Great Bend and elsewhere, the de’ Ricci sisters reaffirmed their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as Dominican Sisters of Peace and received Dominican Sisters of Peace symbols. A presentation of a “treasure box” by outgoing de’ Ricci President Sr. Anne Lythgoe to Dominican Sisters of Peace Prioress Sr. Margaret Ormond symbolized the gifts the de’ Ricci Sisters bring to the Dominican Sisters of Peace.This merger came after an extensive process of exploration, discernment and deep prayer that began in 2001. Approval for the merger was received from the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on July 25, 2012, Rome, Italy.