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Stafford County approves funds for daycare
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ST. JOHN — These are the unofficial minutes from Wednesday’s Stafford County Commission meeting.

The Stafford County Board of County Commissioners met on Wednesday, May 15, in the Commission Room in the Annex. Commissioner Wycoff called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Present: Todd Wycoff, Jim Stanford, and Bryce Garner.

Carl Miller, Appraiser, and Chrissy Green joined the meeting. An executive session for 20 minutes was requested pursuant to non-elected personnel. Those present: Commissioners, Carl Miller, Chrissy Green. In at 8:30 a.m., out at 8:50 a.m.

Commissioners then discussed severed mineral rights with Carl Miller, and processes surrounding them.

Marshall Sanders, Fire Director, joined the meeting to advise Commissioners on a situation with an upset citizen and a controlled burn.

Bryce Garner moved to recess to executive session pursuant to Attorney-Client Privilege for five minutes. Those present: Commissioners, Attorney, Deputy County Clerk. In at 9:11 a.m., out at 9:16 a.m.

Vanessa Cornwell, Treasurer, presented her abstract of taxes paid. We are at 95% collection for the 2023 tax year.

Phil Nusser, Road Supervisor, and the Commissioners discussed a prospective hire for our contract scholarship program, and what programs he is looking into as he prepares for college.

Shannon Snyder presented her 2025 budget for the health department. She is requesting $357,995, which is a slight increase from 2024 at $342,405. The majority is due to rising costs of medical supplies.

Commissioner Garner moved to cancel the contract for Alice Lockridge’s use of the Annex, Thursday May 23, due to a material misrepresentation as to the usage of the Annex as the County does not feel it is appropriate content for a county building. Commissioner Stanford seconded. Motion passed 3-0.

Commissioner Garner moved to allocate $55,000 from LATCF funds to a Daycare project in the City of Stafford. Commissioner Stanford seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

During the meeting Accounts Payable vouchers and checks were reviewed and signed from the following funds:

General - $152,709.41

Road & Bridge - 79,001.83

Health - 11,908.87

Rural Fire - 6,437.95

Noxious Weed - 573.51

Appraiser - 360.99

Solid Waste - 12,842.46

EMS - 2,527.99

Motor Vehicle - 345.92

E911 - 602.60

COVID Grant - 794.63

Deeds Tech  -61.80

Clerk Tech - 399.99

TOTAL - $268,567.95

The meeting was adjourned at 9:47 a.m.