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SYATP Freedom Rally planned at GBHS
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The fourth Wednesday in September is See You at the Pole (SYATP) Day in the USA. See You at the Pole is a global event organized by students who meet outside their schools at the flagpole to pray.
In Great Bend, Surrendered Family Ministries is sponsoring a SYATP Freedom Youth Rally at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the Great Bend High School Auditorium. The doors will open at 6 p.m. According to Marcie Smith with Surrendered Family Ministries, this event is a lead-in to the student-organized SYATP in front of the high school on Wednesday, Sept. 25.
“The students are the ones who put everything together,” she said. So, while she did not have information about next Wednesday’s event, she said there will be a SYATP meeting at GBHS. These events usually start at 7 a.m.
For more information about Sunday’s program, contact Surrendered Family Ministries, 620-603-3870.
According to Campus Ministry Network (, students are encouraged to take part in Global Week of Student Prayer, Sept. 22-28. Students are encouraged to pray often, starting with prayers for the upcoming SYATP at their school.
An example of how to organize SYATP can be found at the website. Campus Ministry suggests students may want to pray:
• Prayers of thanks for who God is.
• Pray for Leaders: On campus, teachers, administration and staff; in the nation, president, leaders and military.
• Pray for the world: For “His” Kingdom Come; for a spiritual harvest in the school.
SYATP is also a good time to promote a campus Bible or prayer group.