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Toddlers life enriched through Sunflowers early intervention program
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Piper Forbes cheers with her handmade pom-poms at the recent Homecoming Parade with her brother, Ethan. Piper is demonstrating her enhanced social skills after participating in the Sunflower Diversified Services early intervention program.
Jennifer Forbes of Larned knew her daughter’s anxiety around other people was limiting the toddler’s opportunities to develop and just enjoy being a kid.Jennifer also believed that without early intervention, 3-year-old Piper’s painful shyness would have life-long consequences.Sunflower Diversified Services has provided this intervention through its Early Education Center (EEC). And now Piper is interacting up a storm.“Piper was extremely shy - even with neighbors and extended family,” Jennifer said. “The larger the group, the more terrified she became.