When Heartland Community Church started in August of 2014, the First United Congregational Church was gracious and welcoming in sharing their facilities with the new church. As members of the two churches got to know each other, relationships and friendships began to form. Because of those bonds and a shared love of music and worship, the two churches will join together Sunday, Sept. 18, for the Second Annual Evening of Praise and Worship. The service will be held at the church at 3400 21st St. at 6:30 p.m.
The evening will feature a variety of music with congregational singing, accompanied by the HCC Praise Band, piano, or organ played by Rhonda Wineinger of UCC. The children and youth of Heartland will also perform special songs and passages, and the event will also feature patriotic songs and prayers for our nation. The evening will conclude with an ice cream and cake social for all in attendance.
“We are so excited to share this evening with everyone. It’s going to be a wonderful time of praise and worship to God, and fellowship with our host church and with everyone who attends,” said Carole Harris, one of the event’s organizers and the pianist for the HCC Praise Band. “We want to invite the public to come and share this special time with us.”
HCC is in the process of renovating the former Food4Less building at 4907 Tenth St., with plans to relocate to the new site later this year. HCC is co-pastored by Pastor Roy Savage and Pastor George Redington. UCC is in the process of searching for a new pastor to lead its congregation.