USD 428 Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m. on Monday at the District Education Office, 201 S. Patton Road. Items on the agenda include: recognition of the Horizon Award nominee and R.O.S.E. Award; GBHS Vocal Music proposed trip to Washington, D.C.; KASB Delegate Assembly official delegate; Title VI B and Early Childhood budget; district support plan for “On Watch” schools; schedule for curriculum day; Kansas Committees that Care Survey; Project Lead the Way proposal for GBMS and GBHS; project updates on transportation future projects planning; approval of contribution to Jefferson Elementary School; term expiration of BOE Representative to the GBRC Board; KASB school funding proposal; student enrollment numbers; Fire Prevention Week: October 6-10; Anti-Bullying Awareness Week: October 6-12; National High School Activities Week: October 12-18; Anti-Drug Task Force – City of Great Bend; update on new Human Resources process; annual KSDE Fall Conference on October 20 in Wichita; and licensed teacher resignation.
USD 428 Board of Education meeting