USD 428 Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m. on Monday at the District Education Office, 201 S. Patton Road. Items on the agenda include approval of K-6 math curriculum adoption; approval of financial services program; first reading of the 2015-2016 student handbooks; first reading of the 2015-2016 teacher handbooks; first reading of 2015-2016 activities and athletics handbook; first reading of K-6 music adoption; approval to purchase hardware and software and approval to sell used computers; approval of three year technology plan; details of curriculum day; facilities and grounds projects; three year quote for students photography; approval of First Kansas Bank donation of used furniture; approval of Eisenhower Elementary School to apply for grant; approval of licensed teacher retirement, licensed teacher resignations, approval of long-term maternity leave, and licensed teachers appointments.
USD 428 Board of Education meeting