USD 428 Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m. on Monday at the District Education Office, 201 South Patton Road. Items on the agenda include budget hearing/budget approval; R.O.S.E. Award recipient; David Meter will present an overview of the year’s activities and athletics; approval of insurance for 2013-2014; approval of change for GBMS gym construction; approval of GBHS track surface project bid; approval of roof bid for District Education Center; approval of curriculum grant; approval of supplemental for activity supervision at GBMS; approval of elementary, middle school and high school 2013-2014 fees; approval of 2012-2013 meal prices; approval of mileage reimbursement rates for district’s parents/guardians; approval of 2013-2018 professional development plan; Kansas State Assessment results; technology planning; GBMS gym construction and GBHS parking lot project update; licensed administrator appointment; licensed teacher appointments; and licensed teacher resignations.
USD 428 Board of Education meeting